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A gift to the transformative power of nonviolence

Thank you for your steadfast belief in the transformative power of the Nonviolence Institute. Your commitment to nonviolence work, as a vehicle for personal and large-scale change, grounds us in our unique mission. Your financial support ensures that this work continues and grows. With your renewed investment, we can take additional steps toward creating a community devoid of systems that cultivate divisiveness and encourage hate, a world Dr. Martin Luther King called the “Beloved Community.”

But like you, I get tired sometimes; tired of watching the BIPOC population disproportionately brutalized; tired of grieving for the 39,935 human beings who died in the 611 mass shootings in our country this year—a number that doesn’t include those effected by the trauma nor the legacy of trauma each successive generation will inherit.

We need to start treating gun violence the same way we treat other public health crises: drunk driving, heart disease, even COVID. We can stop gun violence before people land in my ER,” said Board member Dr. Megan Rainey who is an ER doctor and associate dean at Brown’s School of Public Health, when she appeared on CBS Sunday Morning. One proven way to treat it is with nonviolence education which builds connections and creates a shared sense of worth, well-being, and trust.

For over two decades, NVI has been a trusted community partner in making Rhode Island a more empathetic, inclusive state. We use a two-prong approach to reduce violence offering intervention services (street outreach, victim services, and re-entry) and prevention programs and education (nonviolence education, employment readiness, and public policy). We have worked with some families for 20 years, and we never turn anyone away or put a time limit on our services. Never.

Our Victim’s Services Advocates are on the frontlines of the work--24 hours a day/seven days a week. They have life experiences mirroring those we serve which give them hard-won credibility. Because of this, they can better address the needs and challenges that affect our clients with foresight. This year, they have been busy. They visited hospital rooms, spent time in the courts, and helped families navigate victim compensation paperwork and have been available to support victims and families after an incident of violence. And we can do this because of people like you.

Dr. King tells us that “Nonviolence is for the courageous,” and this could not be truer. I have seen transformations firsthand. So, please join us in giving yourself over to peace by making an investment today. It’s an investment in the world we want to live in. Thank you for your consideration.

P.S. In this season of gratitude, know that we are grateful for you.

Kind Regards, Hillary Joyce Director of Development

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