Thank you to Highlander Charter School in Providence for partnering with us on a student Peace Walker with their elementary and middle school students. These students are the voices of tomorrow and their power and determination never cease to amaze us.
The students, teachers, and NVI team members marched from Highlander Charter school to the front lawn of the Nonviolence Institute. The students shared poems and words of hope and inspiration, including the poem below. We hope you'll take a closer look and watch the video above that documents the entire day.
"Today I pray for the homeless to have shelter, the hungry to have food, the rich to give to the poor, the healthy to help the sick, the violence to turn to peace, the cruelty to turn to love, faith to be our base and hope to guide our way, role models for our children, caring for all, greedy disappears, giving appears, lies diminish, honesty prevails, war ends, unity begins, prejudice never existed, everyone is created equal." - YOUTH ACTIVIST POEM SHARED AT HIGHLANDER CHARTER SCHOOL PEACE MARCH