On behalf of Nonviolence Institute we thank you all for the outpouring of concerns and messages regarding the victims of violence in Buffalo, New York and Uvalde, Texas.
Following is a statement denouncing the horrific act of targeted hatred affecting our most valuable and vulnerable lives. We must continue our efforts of spreading the message of kindness and not accepting this behavior. “Only love can drive out hate.” We will remain hopeful in our mission to build a beloved community.
We are horrified by the mass shootings that have taken so many innocent lives over the past several weeks. Sadly, gun violence has become a public health crisis and this story is being repeated far too frequently in cities and towns across our nation.
Now more than ever it is important for us to continue our work of interrupting and preventing violence, instilling the values of a beloved community, promoting the practice of nonviolence, and building peace within our communities.
As an organization that uses outreach and nonviolence training to respond directly to violence, we support local partners, such as the Rhode Island Coalition Against Gun Violence (RICAGV) and Moms Demand Action, RI Commission on Prejudice and Bias, PRIDE, Center for Southeast Asians, I.O.U. (It’s On Us), Sandra Bornstein Holocaust Education Center, NAACP Providence and their work in advocating for policy and systemic change and their calls for action from our nation’s leadership.
We must continue to let our voices be heard and illustrate through our actions that we choose peace and believe in the sanctity of life. Together, we can make a difference.
Nonviolence Institute, Rhode Island